Psychometric Testing
There are two main reasons why Psychometric assessments should be conducted. Firstly, to establish
the person’s inherent abilities, personal characteristics, interests and morals. Secondly, the assessment
can be helpful to choose subjects to enhance the best possibilities for a future career.
The assessment can play an important role at various stages of a person’s life. Learners have to choose
subjects at the end of their Grade 9 year. By applying the psychometric assessment, the learners can
obtain a valuable idea of which subjects would be the best for their future career. After analyzing the
results, an appointment will be made to discuss the report with the learner and the parents or
At the end of the school career it is also important to do an assessment to assist the student in deciding
which career path to follow. Colleges and Universities have many faculties. Through assessments the
student can be guided to make the right decisions. Even later in life, psychometric assessments can
assist a person if they want to change or improve their career field.
After every assessment a comprehensive report is supplied and feedback is given to the individual as
well as the parent or guardian. All the results are analyzed and integrated, upon which
recommendations are made.
Subject Choice Assessments
Choosing subjects for the FET phase (Grade 10 – 12) can be a daunting
task which typically takes place in the latter part of a learners Grade 9
academic year. It is an important decision to make as it ultimately
determines whether the student has the necessary subjects to pursue
their chosen study path or career field. A Subject Choice Assessment
can be a valuable tool in guiding students into making an informed
The assessment battery used for a Subject Choice Assessment, typically
incorporates an interview with the student as well as an Aptitude test,
Personality, Interests and Values assessments. Following the
assessment, the results are analysed, integrated and recommendations
are made based on the various domains that were assessed. Feedback
is given to the student and parent(s) / guardian in a feedback
consultation together with a comprehensive report.
Group Assessments at different schools can be arranged.
Career Guidance Assessments
A Career Assessment can be a beneficial tool for individuals who may
be wanting to decide on a study or career path, whether it be a high
school student, a university student or an adult wanting to embark on a
new career field altogether.
The assessment battery used for Career Assessments, typically
incorporates an interview with the individual as well as an Aptitude test,
Personality, Interests and Values assessments. Following the
assessment, the results are analysed, integrated and recommendations
are made based on the various domains that were assessed. Feedback
is given to the individual and parent(s) / guardian (if applicable) in a
feedback consultation together with a comprehensive report.
Group Assessments at different schools can be arranged.